Produse pentru tratamente pentru dureri de cap fără aspirină (86)

Chromalya - PIEPTEN AFRO DIN BAMBUS - Dinti Largi

Chromalya - PIEPTEN AFRO DIN BAMBUS - Dinti Largi

Chromalya a pour objectif de vous proposer une gamme saine, respectueuse du cuir chevelu et de l'environnement. Nous sélectionnons les meilleurs pigments de la nature pour vous offrir la première gamme française professionnelle de colorations végétales bio, nos offres cosemtiques capillaires sont complètes et riche en extraits végétaux biologiques, nos peelings aux argiles & plantes ayurvédiques sont reconnus pour leurs propriétés bénéfiques.
Forcapil împotriva căderii părului și unghiilor - Forcapil împotriva căderii părului și unghiilor

Forcapil împotriva căderii părului și unghiilor - Forcapil împotriva căderii părului și unghiilor

The hair consists mainly of keratin, a protein that provides it with resilience, strength and shine. This protein is made from sulfur-containing amino acids, cystine and methionine, under the action of zinc and vitamins B. Keratin is also a staple of the nail. Forcapil contains vitamin B8 and zinc. Zinc contributes to the maintenance of normal hair and normal nails. Vitamin B8 contributes to the maintenance of normal hair. Forcapil also contains sulfur-containing amino acids (cystine and methionine). Zinc plays a role in the normal synthesis of proteins. Vitamin B8 and zinc support the hair. Contents : 180 capsules
Masca de păr cu macadamia - Măști pentru păr

Masca de păr cu macadamia - Măști pentru păr

Dank des darin enthaltenen natürlichen Macadamiaöls handelt es sich um ein wirksames Haarpflegeprodukt, das das Haar intensiv mit Feuchtigkeit versorgt und nährt und dabei hilft, das Haar strahlender, weicher und leichter kämmbar zu machen. Artikelnummer:31181
Aktibol 1000 Mcg 50 Capsule - PREPARATE ANTIANEMICE

Aktibol 1000 Mcg 50 Capsule - PREPARATE ANTIANEMICE

Iodură de potasiu, Pastile pentru Urgențe de Radiație, ThyroSafe - Iodură de potasiu, Pastile pentru Urgențe de Radiație, ThyroSafe De Vânzare

Iodură de potasiu, Pastile pentru Urgențe de Radiație, ThyroSafe - Iodură de potasiu, Pastile pentru Urgențe de Radiație, ThyroSafe De Vânzare

In the event of a nuclear emergency, the best thing you can do is be prepared. Having potassium iodide (KI) on hand should be apart of that preparation. ThyroSafe is a 65 mg KI Tablet that is FDA approved to help prevent radioactive iodine from getting into the thyroid gland during a nuclear radiation emergency. Thyroid cancer, especially among children, is the most common and dangerous effect from radiation exposure. More than 90% of the cancer at Chernobyl was thyroid related.1 Thyroid damage was seen more than 200 miles downwind.2 Thousands of cases are known.3 The only full-strength radio-protective KI tablet that has been approved by the FDA and passed all requirements for purity, quality, safety, and efficacy. For use by adults and children in a radiation emergency. Please do get back to us for more information and details of our products and we shall get back to you with the full details .


Organic Green Propolis and Echinacea Capsules - Vegetable envelope - 60capsules - Les gélules de Propolis Verte et Échinacée Bio Propos’Nature assurent le bon fonctionnement du système immunitaire de l'organisme et permettent de renforcer les défenses naturelles au quotidien. Très concentrées en principes actifs, elles sont parfaitement assimilables par l'organisme et biodisponibles. Un produit certifié biologique et 100% naturel. Dosées à 425 mg. Gélule d'origine végétale. La Propolis verte, issue du Sud du Brésil, est récoltée sur le Baccharis Dracunculifolia, appelé Romarin des champs. Les nombreuses vertus de la propolis vertes sont connues et utilisées depuis bien longtemps d'autant plus qu'elle bénéficie d'une activité encore plus importante que les autres propolis. L'Échinacée pourpre est une plante vivace originaire d'Amérique du nord. Ses bienfaits reconnus permettent de faire face aux périodes hivernales en stimulant nos défenses naturelles. Reference:GELUPROPOECHINAC60
Unguent de arnică

Unguent de arnică

The nourishing cosiMed Arnica Ointment contains valuable Arnica extract, skin-regenerating Panthenol and skin-protecting Vitamin E. It is suitable for the care of dry and stressed skin.
Disfagie - Nutriție clinică

Disfagie - Nutriție clinică

Formules permettant de faciliter la prise alimentaire chez des personnes atteintes de troubles de la déglutition.
Chirurgie și Medicină Estetică

Chirurgie și Medicină Estetică

Blefaroplastica Otoplastica Rinoplastica Lifting volto Mastoplastica additiva Mastopessi (Lifting del seno) Mastoplastica riduttiva Ginecomastia (Presenza di seno maschile) Addominoplastica Liposcultura distrettuale Lifting cosce Lipofilling. Medicina estetica: Trattamento solchi nasogenieni, aumento volume labbra,zigomi: Fillers Rivitalizzazione viso,collo e decoltè : Vitamine e Biorivitalizzanti Peeling Trattamento schiarente delle discromie cutanee AMELAN
Remedii Homeopatice Individuale cu Indicații

Remedii Homeopatice Individuale cu Indicații

Das vorliegende Werk ist bestrebt, möglichst viele Symptome abzudecken, erhebt aber keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit. Seit über 37 Jahren ist die Autorin in eigener Praxis tätig. Das Büchlein mit den Indikationen der Homöopathie, das ihr in diesen Jahren sehr gute Dienste geleistet hat, wird nicht mehr aufgelegt und ist im Laufe der Zeit so zerfleddert, dass es unbenutzbar geworden ist. Das hat sie dazu animiert, ein neues Verzeichnis zu schreiben, das auch viele Mittel aus ihrer eigenen Erfahrung und Erprobung berücksichtigt. Das vorliegende Werk ist bestrebt, möglichst viele Symptome abzudecken, erhebt aber keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit. Es ist unter anderem eine Zusammenfassung bzw. Überarbeitung bereits zur Verfügung stehender einschlägiger Literatur. • Wire-O-Bindung • 17 x 24 cm • 313 Seiten ISBN: 978-3-931954-34-5
Lotion pentru Păr pentru Femei - Întărirea Rădăcinilor pentru Creștere Rapidă

Lotion pentru Păr pentru Femei - Întărirea Rădăcinilor pentru Creștere Rapidă

Kadın Saç Losyonu - Saç Kökü Güçlendirici Hızlı Uzamaya Yardımcı - Ürünlerimiz; Orijinal Rodaj X markasıdır. Sağlık Bakanlığı Tarafından Onaylı ve Tescillidir. Kozmetik Kanununa Göre Üretilmiştir. Ambalaj Özellikleri: 50 ml, Sıvı, Cam şişe kutulu Kullanım Amacı: Saç köklerini aktif olarak besler ve güçlendirir, saç dökülmesini durdurur, saç büyümesini hızlandırır, zayıf ve yıpranmış saç yapısını geri kazandırır. Saçın daha kolay yönetilmesini sağlar, hacminin korunmasına yardımcı olur ve saça sağlıklı bir parlaklık verir, Tüm saç tiplerine uygundur. Saçın yağ dengesini korur. Ürünün geliştirilmesi ve ARGE çalışmalarında hayvanlar üzerinde test edilmemiştir. Paraben içermez. Kullanım Şekli: Losyonu günde iki seans uygulamak gerekir ve her iki uygulamadan birinde saçlarınızı yıkamanız önerilir. Kullanım süresinde saçlarınızı mevcut yıkama alışkanlığınızda kullandığınız şampuan/sabun ürünlerini kullanabilir veya saflık oranı yüksek saç yıkama ürünlerinden birini tercih edebilirsiniz.
Sesiune de Reiki Șamanic, Vindecare

Sesiune de Reiki Șamanic, Vindecare

Soins personnalisés selon votre état actuel , guérison de différents maux ou blessure , ré-harmonisation des chakras , déblocage physique et psychique.


AZELAC RU es un serum despigmentante con activos liposomados que actúan directamente sobre el origen de las manchas cutáneas homogeneizando el tono de la piel. Efecto despigmentante, antiinflamatorio y antioxidante, beneficioso incluso para fototipos altos, hiperpigmetnaciones postinflamatorias y melasma.
Masca Hidratantă cu Macadamia pentru Păr

Masca Hidratantă cu Macadamia pentru Păr

Macadamia mask is a deeply moisturizing hair mask based on macadamia nut and nourishing oils. The mask intensively moisturizes and transforms the hair, restores and facilitates care and combing. Macadamia oil saturates hair with moisture and beneficial omega-3 and omega-6 acids. The hair is smoother, stronger and more manageable. Argan oil is one of their most precious and nutritious. It takes care of the hair, smoothes and gives shine.
Linie Anti-Cădere - KARIBELLY

Linie Anti-Cădere - KARIBELLY

La Linea Anticaduta si prende cura dei capelli deboli e diradati. Grazie alla sua formula con estratti di arnica, ortica, provitamina B5 e collagene idrolizzato stimola la circolazione dei capillari peribulbari contrastando il processo di miniaturizzazione del bulbo del capello, favorendo la ricrescita dei capelli. Shampoo anticaduta – 500 ml / 1000 ml Maschera anticaduta – 500 ml / 1000 ml Lozione anticaduta – 150 ml Fiale anticaduta a caldo – 12x10 ml Fiale anticaduta a freddo – 12x10 ml Lozione stimolante ricrescita –150 ml


ASISA VIDA te ofrece los seguros de vida con las coberturas más completas adaptados a tu situación personal, familiar o financiera (ej: un préstamo hipotecario). Garantiza su bienestar y calidad de vida en caso de fallecimiento o incapacidad.
Medicină Estetică - Tratamente de Medicină Estetică

Medicină Estetică - Tratamente de Medicină Estetică

Medycyna estetyczna jest nauką interdyscyplinarną łączącą w sobie kilka dziedzin jak np. dermatologia, chirurgia plastyczna oraz kosmetologia. Głównym jej zadaniem jest walka z oznakami starzenia się zarówno skóry jak i całego organizmu oraz leczenia związanych z tym procesem defektów. Horizon Medical Center oferuje szeroką gamę zabiegów z zakresu medycyny estetycznej np. nici PDO, Pelleve, Jet Plasma, Mezoterapia osoczem bogatopłytkowym i koktajlami, Lipoliza, Modelowanie ust. W naszej Klinice lekarze specjaliści indywidualnie dobierają zabiegi i dostosowują do potrzeb, wymagań oraz oczekiwań pacjentek. Konsultacja ze specjalistą lekarzem medycyny estetycznej jest dobrą okazją do sprawdzenia stanu i jakości skóry. Profesjonaliści po diagnozie skóry przedstawią alternatywne metody regeneracji i rewitalizacji skóry niezależnie od wieku. Jeżeli Twoim zmartwieniem są głębokie zmarszczki, brak wiotkości skóry czy też worki pod oczami – medycyna estetyczna oferuje zabiegi, które niwelują
Capsulă/Pachet Ageflor Probiotice și Prebiotice - Probiotice și Prebiotice

Capsulă/Pachet Ageflor Probiotice și Prebiotice - Probiotice și Prebiotice

We offer Private Label manufacturing for this product. Ageflor Capsule & Sachet includes probiotics (Lactobacilius Acidophilus, Lactobacilius Rhamnosus ) and prebiotics (inulin) in its formulation. Ageflor Capsule & Sachet help to prevent and treat content for diarrhea, constipation lactose intolerance, tourist diarrhea, antibiotic-induce diarrhea. It is used for regeneration of bowel epithelium and correction of dybiosis.Treatment starts with 1 capsule just before a meal and dosage are adjusted according to response. You can start to use 1 capsule per day and increase it to 2 capsules and 3 times per day.
Masca de Păr cu Argan, 500 ml - Masca Crema Hidratantă și Îndreptătoare cu Ulei de Argan

Masca de Păr cu Argan, 500 ml - Masca Crema Hidratantă și Îndreptătoare cu Ulei de Argan

Bio Clinic Extra Straightening Argan Hair Mask intensely nourishes and revitalizes the hair with argan oil extracts, which weak and damaged wavy hair needs, and gives the hair extra straightness with a healthy appearance.Provides an excellent straightening effect from the first application.The cream mask, which does not contain harmful ingredients for the hair, adds softness and shine to your hair, while maintaining a healthy and strong hair structure.Thanks to its special argan oil formula, it repairs the hair strands that have lost their vitality from root to tip and applies a perfect complementary care.For best results, it is recommended to use with Bio Clinic Argan Ultra Care Shampoo and Argan Conditioner. Bio Clinic Extra Straightening Argan Hair Mask was developed to give weak and lifeless hair a healthy and perfect straightness. By penetrating deep into the structure of wavy hair, it nourishes the hair strands, giving it extra softness and straightness.
Controlul afidelor, muștelor albe, muștelor verzi și țânțarilor de ciuperci - Control natural pentru insectele zburătoare

Controlul afidelor, muștelor albe, muștelor verzi și țânțarilor de ciuperci - Control natural pentru insectele zburătoare

Aphids-0 consists of insect soap made from nitrite salt and diluted alcohol solutions. It is very effective against all insects that are exposed to it.Insect soap is not very toxic for humans and animals. Aphids-0 creates a mechanical barrier over a crop, making the plant sap inaccessible to all the insects mentioned above.


Acid Mandelic 15%

Acid Mandelic 15%

Multifunctional chemical peeling based on 15% mandelic acid. It exfoliates the epidermis, stimulating it to intensive regeneration. It evens out the color, supports collagen production, smoothes fine wrinkles and has an anti-aging effect firming the skin. Irreplaceable in the care of problematic skin. It regulates the secretion of sebum, prevents the formation of acne, effectively narrows enlarged pores. It does not cause photosensitization and can be used all year round. In summer, you should use a cream with a UV filter after its application. Available Packages:Set of 3 positions ( Mandelic Acid 15%): Degreasing + acid peels + nutralization Country of Origin:POLAND - AVA
Institutii de Frumusețe - Echipamente

Institutii de Frumusețe - Echipamente

Farmasötik ve medikal alanına hizmet veren öncü kuruluşlardan biriyiz.
Ulei natural și organic pentru corp - Ulei din semințe de smochin cactus

Ulei natural și organic pentru corp - Ulei din semințe de smochin cactus

L’huile de figue de barbarie est parfaitement adaptée aux peaux matures, ridées, abîmées. Aux teints ternes, ongles cassants et pointes de cheveux fragiles. Les femmes enceintes l’apprécieront davantage en application sur les zones à risque de vergetures. À savoir le ventre, les bras, les cuisses ou les fesses.
Tratament de îndreptare cu keratină

Tratament de îndreptare cu keratină

Kativa Alisado Brasileno Straitening Kit (Pre Shampoo 15 ml & Straightening Mask 150ml & Shampoo 30ml & Conditioner 30ml) - (πακέτο θεραπείας κερατίνης για ξανθά μαλλιά)Ισιωτική θεραπεία κερατίνης , ειδικά σχεδιασμένη για ανοιχτόχρωμα μαλλιά. Επαγγελματικό αποτέλεσμα για έως και 12 εβδομάδες. Η ισορροπημένη φόρμουλα του με γλυοξυλικό, κηστıατıκή και αμινοξέα δεν βλάπτει ή μεταβάλλει τη δομή των ινών των μαλλιών και συμπληρώνεται με την ενυδατική δράση του ελαιολάδου και την αντιοξειδωτική δύναμη των Citrus Fruits ώστε να αφήνουν τα μαλλιά ίσια με φυσική κίνηση, μαλακά και λαμπερά.
Discount maxim pe tabletele de Tadalafil 40 mg (Tadarise 40 mg)

Discount maxim pe tabletele de Tadalafil 40 mg (Tadarise 40 mg)

Brand Name : Tadarise Composition : Tadalafil 40mg Manufactured by : Sunrise Remedies Pvt. Ltd. Available Strengths : 2.5mg, 5mg, 10mg, 20mg, 60mg Form : Tablet Packing : Pack of 10 Tablets Country Of Origin : India Don’t let high Tadalafil price hinder your treatment. Oddway International is offering the best prices without compromising quality. tadalafil 40mg, an essential erectile dysfunction medication is now accessible to all men patients at competitive rates. With a commitment to affordability and quality, Oddway International ensures a seamless ordering process and prompt delivery. Place your order now! Mail us at call/whatsapp at +91-9873336444.
Capsule Amla C / Amalaki Ayurveda Himalaya

Capsule Amla C / Amalaki Ayurveda Himalaya

Amla C ist eines der stärksten Verjüngungsmittel in der Ayurveda und ein Anti-Aging Produkt für Knochen, Blut, Herz und Leber. Amla C kann stärkt die eigene Widerstandskraft und das Immunsystem !
Styler Special pentru Îngrijirea Părului

Styler Special pentru Îngrijirea Părului

Spezial Haarpflege-Festiger enthält ausgesuchte, hochveredelte Rohstoffe und umschließt das Haar mit einem flexiblen Festigungsfilm. Die hervorragende Festigung hält damit nicht nur länger an, sondern schützt das Haar auch besser vor Feuchtigkeit und anderen schädlichen Einflüssen als ein gewöhnlicher Festiger, Haaraffine Pflegestoffe verbessern zusätzlich die Haarstruktur. Kein „Verkleben“ und beste Lösbarkeit bei der Haarwäsche Inhalt: 200 ml
Adifarm - Intestin sănătos pregătit să facă față noilor provocări

Adifarm - Intestin sănătos pregătit să facă față noilor provocări

Su exclusiva combinación de principios activos de ácido butírico en conjunto con otros ácidos orgánicos y aceites esenciales actúan de manera sinérgica para asegurar un buen balance microbiano intestinal. -Mantiene el equilibrio de la microbiota intestinal controlando los principales patógenos entéricos (como Salmonella spp, E. coli y Clostridium spp.) y favoreciendo el crecimiento de las bacterias endógenas beneficiosas. -Permite obtener mayor energía de la ración, y mejora la disponibilidad y calidad de los nutrientes -Favorece la absorción de los nutrientes por el incremento de la longitud y la superficie de las vellosidades intestinales. -Favorece la digestión por la estimulación de los enzimas digestivas -Promueve la integridad intestinal -Efectos beneficiosos a lo largo de todo el tracto gastrointestinal